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Sisterlocks Installation Package

Authorised Consultants offer Sisterlocks as a package of 3 visits, including a Consultation, the Locking Session and a Follow-up Visit.

Sisterlocks Installation and Style.

First  Visit: The Consultation

During this session you and your consultant will discuss your personal hair care history, your styling preferences and your lifestyle in order to determine if Sisterlocks is right for you.  You will also have “TEST LOCKS” put in your hair to see if they will hold, check sizes, amount of scalp showing, settling- in time, etc.  This consultation is essential for both you and your consultant, to ensure you get your Sisterlocks done in the most suitable way.

Second Visit: The Locking Session

Bring a good book because the locking process can take for 10 to 15 hours or even longer in some cases. The average Sisterlocks customer will leave this session with average of 400 locks and a whole new attitude! Your consultant will provide you with a “Starter Kit” that includes the proper shampoo for starting your locks, tiny rubber bands and “tip sheets” on grooming and shampooing as your locks settle-in.  Be sure to schedule your follow-up visit before your leave.  Good maintenance is the key to gorgeous Sisterlocks over time.

Third Visit: Follow up

You will need to schedule your follow-up visit after at least two shampooing, which is usually within a month from the time you first get your locks put in.  Your consultant will monitor the integrity of your locks, tighten them up and give you an idea of how long the settling-in process is likely to take.  You can also begin discussing styling tips for the “total look” that’s right for you!

Ongoing follow-up visits

We recommend that you schedule your first few re-tightening visits at 4-6 weeks intervals.  This way, the progress of your locks can be monitored.  As your locks mature, your consultant will be able to determine how often you will need to come in for re-tightening. The average time between visits is 4-8 weeks, depending on the hair type and rate of hair growth.

The Sisterlocks Video's

Kouturelocs Testimonial